Potapovich Kateschenko

Russia • Saint Petersburg • 1930−2013

Biography and information

Graphic artist. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.
Kateshchenko Nikolai Potapovich was born on December 28, 1930 in the village of Loginovo, Pskov region. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, in July 1941, together with his parents he was evacuated to Yaroslavl region, Borisoglebsky settlement. During the war, the family lived in an apartment in the former house of the Ulybins. After graduating from high school in 1949, left to study in Leningrad. In 1955 he graduated from the Leningrad Art and Graphic Pedagogical School. In 1962 he graduated from the graphic arts department of the Moscow State Polygraphic Institute as a graphic artist. Studied under Professor G.D. Epifanov (Leningrad) and Professor A.D. Goncharov (Moscow). After graduation, he perfected his professional skills at the studio of Honored Artist of the RSFSR Y.I. Skorikov, a supporter and follower of the outstanding Russian artist and teacher P.P. Chistyakov. For almost 20 years he worked as an artist-teacher in the Leningrad Art and Graphic School, then, director of children's art school № 2 and № 14. Since 1978 begins a regular participation in exhibitions held in Leningrad, St. Petersburg Union of Artists: "The 60th anniversary of the USSR" 1982; "Our Leningrad" 1984; "9th All-Russian exhibition" 1999; "200th anniversary of the birth of AS Pushkin" 1999; "300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" 2002.the 60th anniversary of Victory in World War II in 2005, 75th anniversary of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists in 2008, 65th anniversary of Victory in World War II in 2010, the Anniversary exhibition of 80 years of the Union of Artists in 2012, All-Russian exhibition (Tambov) in 2012. Autumn and spring exhibitions: 1978, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2011. Personal exhibitions: In publishing house of the Ministry of Finance in 1996, in the Committee of Culture of St. Petersburg in 1997, in the Municipal Council of the Central district of St. Petersburg in 2000, 2001, 2002, in the branch of the Museum-reserve "Rostov Kremlin" in Borisoglebsky, gallery of Purification Church, annually since 1988. Until his death 16.06.2013 Nikolai Kateschenko continued to come to his favorite place, in a one-story log house. Every summer the people of Borisoglebsk saw the artist at work. In the village of Borisoglebsky in Yaroslavl region there is a memorial site at 2 Doprizivnaya Street (formerly Mokrusha Sloboda). On the north facade of the side room is a memorial plaque with the inscription: "Here lived and worked artist Kateschenko Nikolai Potapovich 1930-2013. The memorial plaque was unveiled on July 19, 2014. The Museum "House of Peasant Elkin" (a branch of the State Museum-Reserve "Rostov Kremlin" in Borisoglebsky) received a gift of 112 works by St. Petersburg artist Nikolai Kateschenko.