Guiding Star. Interior Oil Painting

OlgaLa • Painting, 2019, 70×50×1.5 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Painting
Style of art: Abstraction
Date of creation: 2019
Size: 70×50×1.5 cm
Owner: OlgaLa

Description of the artwork «Guiding Star. Interior Oil Painting»

In my work I depicted somewhere vague, somewhere unconscious, not always clearly realized feeling of my way, but which is always present and reminds of itself at every choice, step, action in life. It is what guides us, allowing us to feel like a realized person on the right path, to feel that we are in our place. Or that which makes us feel empty and regretful if we do not follow our own identity.

For sale.

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