Dagestan artist painter, Honored Artist of the Republic of Dagestan, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR since 1980. Teacher. Poet.
He was born on January 10, 1935 in the village of Verkhnee Ubeki of the Levashinsky district. At an early age he lost his father (1941), who fought in the Civil War. In February 1944, by mistake, he and his mother were deported to Central Asia. When we arrived at our final destination the commandant of the train let us go, but on the way back my mother died. I didn't manage to get to my home village. So I ended up in an orphanage in the city of Tashkent, where I stayed, and by mistake they called him Rasso Magometov and gave his patronymic - Konstantinovich. After the orphanage, the hard-working Rasso served in the army, studied at various art schools and searched for his place in life. In 1960 he graduated from the Tashkent Republican Art School. P. P. Benkov (1952-1960). In 1962, after moving to the city of Sverdlovsk, began to work as an artist-designer in the theater and led the art studio for teenagers. In 1970 he graduated from the Leningrad Higher Art and Industry School. Mukhina, Leningrad, (Department of Art Textiles). At the Dagestan Art College in Makhachkala, after graduating from the famous "Mukha", Rasso Magometov worked for several years as a teacher of drawing, painting and composition. But in 1974, he moved again to Leningrad and worked at the State Educational Institution of the Interregional Center for Hearing, teaching students painting and drawing. For all these years, he never forgot his native Dagestan, periodically traveled there with solo exhibitions of works. The main theme that unites all his works is his favorite Dagestan, depicted in unique and colorful paintings of his native land, the pressing problems and aspirations of people, the faces of countrymen, colorful still lifes. He is equally good and interesting in different genres - still lifes, landscapes, portraits. In the "piggy bank" of the master dozens of woven tapestries. Purposeful and active by nature, Rasso Konstantinovich is a regular participant in all exhibitions held by the Association of Artists. Exhibitions: Participant in more than 40 national and all-Russian exhibitions. 1970 - All-Union exhibition of works of young textile artists, VDNH, Moscow. 1971 - exhibition of works by artists of Dagestan, the Union of Artists of Dagestan, Makhachkala. 1971 - International exhibitions of young artists, London, Manchester, Prague, Turku. 1985 - the All-Russia zonal art exhibition, Leningrad. 1990 - personal exhibition, the All-Russian Union of Artists of the Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Leningrad. 1993 - "Dagestan Textiles", Archaeological Institute, Makhachkala. 1995 - personal jubilee exhibition, Pavlovsk. 1996 - Exhibition of works by Leningrad artists. Note that a member of the Artists Union of Russia Rasso Magometov more than 60 times appeared at the Republican and All-Russian exhibitions. Works of the artist are stored in the Dagestan Museum of Fine Arts named after P. S. Gamzatova, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Dagestan, Museum of Local Lore, Krasnoturyinsk, Sverdlovsk region, Kaliningrad, Tatarstan, private collections. Lives and works in St. Petersburg.