This is a set of photos with harmonious colors and there is a couple standing next to each other to take pictures in the cool weather, with the virtual black highlighting and the side having a very catchy white color.

Trần Đình Quân • Photography
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Photography
Owner: Quân

Description of the artwork «This is a set of photos with harmonious colors and there is a couple standing next to each other to take pictures in the cool weather, with the virtual black highlighting and the side having a very catchy white color.»

This is a set of photos with harmonious colors and there is a couple standing side by side taking pictures in the cool weather, with black highlights and eye-catching white on the side. And the trees are very old, highlighted is the face of a man and woman couple, the female friend is charming and beautiful, the male friend next to her is also very handsome and looks very good together and the two of them are sitting on a blue motorbike leaf
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Owner:Trần Đình Quân