K. Ivanov


Biography and information

Konstantin Konstantinovich Ivanov (1921-2003) A well-known Soviet graphic artist; illustrator, poster and muralist. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1974).
Konstantin Konstantinovich Ivanov was born in Petrograd. He studied drawing with his father, artist-graphic artist Konstantin Lvovich Ivanov, and since 1933 in the art studio of V. I. Lenin in Leningrad. A participant of the Great Patriotic War. In 1941-1945, while at the front, painted defense posters "TASS Windows" and performed the front sketches, produced front newspapers and combat bulletins. Participant of exhibitions since 1949. Worked in various genres of posters, mostly political. From 1956 - 1991 he worked at the workshop of "Agitplakat", in the organization of which, together with Veniamin Briskin, he took an active part. In the 1950s he created with him several impressive political posters on espionage and vigilance of the Soviet citizens ("Chatter and Gossip - Enemy's Help", 1954; "In a Letter Home, Don't Accidentally Spill Military Secrets!", 1954; "Don't Be Like That!", 1957). Ivanov's work is notable for its diversity, and his early posters of the late 1940s - early 1950s were executed in the traditional manner. One of the first were the posters "Join the Voluntary Society for Assistance to Aviation (DOSAV) ..." (1949), "The world will win the war!" (1950), "Won!" (1951). In the 1950s Ivanov created posters: "Glory to the great Stalin - the architect of communism!" (1952), "Be Vigilant to the Guard Service!" (1952), "Be Vigilant!" (1953), "Greetings to Our Falcons!" (1953), "From Bad Seed Don't Expect a Good Tribe" (1953), "You've Danced on the Wrong Feet, Kuma!" (1953), "Raising for Happiness and Peace!" (1953), "We Invite Nations to a Peaceful Conversation..." (1954), "Soviet warrior... be vigilant!" (1954), "First hibernation, then fever" (1954), "Closer to life, to living business!" (1954), "Don't be like that! You won't get a workday for laziness" (1955), "Let's Prevent the Threat of War!" (1955), - in which the caricatured features of the characters are intensified, elements of satire are sharpened. In 1960-70s Ivanov's posters change dramatically, they become monumental; details disappear, form and color are stylized, and the artist turns to themes of religion and the cosmos. At this time, he creates posters: "The way is open to man! (1960), This is what happens when an atheist forgets his work... (1963), "Religion is the enemy of light and reason!" (1964), "Man up, cosmic youth!", "Just stick it out!" (1968), "In the Name of Peace and Progress on Earth" (1971), and "Damn Colonialism!" (1975). Ivanov also performed posters for Moskontsert, Sanprosvet, Soyuzgosskirk and Reklamfilm (1960-1980). For many years Konstantin Konstantinovich maintained a warm friendship with his younger colleague, poster artist Ruben Suryaninov. Since the 60s he made with him numerous creative trips to Lake Baikal, Murmansk region, the Northern Dvina, Pechera, the Chuysky tract. Konstantin Ivanov is the author of many articles about the poster (The Poster Should Agitate, The Polish Poster, The Baltic Poster, The Language of the Poster, and others), which were published in the magazine "Creativity" (1962-1980). He wrote essays in the book "Wind from the Sea (1965). Karelian impressions of the artists K.K. Ivanov, R.V. Suryaninov, M.Z. Kheifits" (1965, 1967). Essays in the almanac "The Wind of Wanderings" (Notes of a Journey around the USSR and foreign countries), with its illustrations. As a result of creative travels in the USSR and foreign countries, he created graphic series: "Baikal", "White Sea", "Norway", "France" and others. He created a number of sculptural works in stone and metal. K.K. Ivanov was awarded gold medals in teams of artists at the International competitions of the poster in Bologna (1967, 1968). In 1993 he executed the sketch of Moscow coat of arms, which was approved by the Moscow City Council. For which in 1995 he was awarded the Prize of Moscow. His works are in the Russian State Library, Rybinsk State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, State Museum of Political History of Russia (St. Petersburg), Vologda State Museum-Reserve, Saratov Regional Museum of Local History, Museum-Reserve "Dmitrovsky Kremlin", Cherepovets Museum Association, Yaroslavl Art Museum (YAHM), the State Museum of the History of Russian Literature named after V. I. Dal (State Literary Museum). Dahl (State Literary Museum), the National Library of Belarus, Yaroslavl Museum Reserve, private galleries and collections in Russia, England and Germany.