A romantic portrait

Nguyễn • Photography, 20.09.2021, 0.7×0.3×0.2 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Photography
Subject and objects: Portrait
Date of creation: 20.09.2021
Size: 0.7×0.3×0.2 cm

Description of the artwork «A romantic portrait»

On September 20, 2021 I took a picture at a quiet evening outdoors. Photo taken from an IPhone 6 Plus device
Information about the person who uploaded the photo: Nguyen Khac Tung
Owner: Nguyen Khac Tung
Business contact email: nguyenkhactungdz@hotmail.com
Phone number: +84384938405

Device to upload the photo: IPhone 6 Plus

*This photo is copyrighted and protected by an international court. The photo has only one owner and no individual or organization can post this photo on any of the platforms except me.