Soviet graphic artist, poster artist, avant-garde artist.
Born February 11, 1925. Avant-garde artist, participant of the Great Patriotic War. Worked in various techniques. Collaborated with the Scientific and Technical Publishing House "Energy" and others; author of posters of traffic rules and safety at work ("Do not enter!", 1970; "In gassy places work in a hose mask", 1976; "Know how to help the electric shocked", 1978; "Use protective equipment when working with mineral, slag and glass wool", 1980; "In rain and snowfall work under a roof," 1980; "Use when installing pads", 1989). Participant of Moscow, Russian and foreign exhibitions. In black-and-white graphics since 1950s he signs his works Grigory Gromov (Grigory Gromov). Grigory Gromov's subtle pure syncretic paintings smoothly bypass the strict frameworks of any artistic genres. Whatever art critics call Grigory Gromov's works - abstractionism, mystery, avant-garde, psychological portrait - only one thing remains obvious. His works are perfect, deep, they illuminate the soul of the viewer, and forever remain in the memory. Grigory Gromov - the Artist not only outside of genres and artistic techniques. He created his own unique personal artistic space, in which he and grateful spectators feel comfortable. G.P. Gromov passed away on July 13, 2017, and is buried in Moscow at Troekurov Cemetery. The artist's works are in museums and private collections in Russia, England, France, Switzerland, Holland, Canada, Germany, and other countries.
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