Sergeevna Kostomarova

born in 1986
The author's experiment "Voila" (French for "here, here it is") "Voila".
My character, lifestyle, and way of creative expression is to quickly put an image on any surface. When I create, I feel like a blimp pilot.
Born in Lyubertsy, near Moscow, April 23, 1986. Intuitive researcher, experimentalist, self-made, experienced drawings, sketches, sketches without art education.
Life credo: "One sail and soul, Destiny and Motherland are one!"
I use everything I can get my hands on: pens, pencils, etc.
When I start working, I never know what I'll end up with. The hand goes by itself.
Move your hands and "voila.
To date, works in several formats:
1. Illustration of a photograph. "Anti-Photo. In 2022 I began unconsciously to draw from photographs, but not a clear reproduction of the image, namely: atmosphere, energy. Not from all of them, but from those from which energy comes. There are pictures that pulsate, that speak. My intuitive drawings are information from the energy field of the photograph. It is interesting that a captured picture can tell a lot in interpretation. Proved more than once! The works are used by me in the field of psychology, as well as by other psychologists and psychotherapists, specialists working with images and symbols.
"Anti-Photo" is first and foremost a reflection of the inner core, the natural frame of a person. Drawing is unconscious, without rules, without intent, the basis of the image - feelings.
Self-Expression. Amateur. Drawing turns into a photo. Author's Voila:
The work is performed in four stages:
1. creating a sketch, sketches only by hand on any material, mostly paper
2. hand coloring
3. creating a finished electronic image
4. printing the finished work (can be on photo paper (postcards, posters, posters), wood, glass (flooded stained glass), canvas, plastic, foam board)
"Unformat. "Anti-Photo.
2. Associative and metaphorical LightBoxes (lights)
Making light fixtures with my images: a light key to every home. Each lamp is a key to yourself, to your light, to the acceptance of yourself.
3. Making individual card decks.
- All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, 2009. Faculty of Economics, Finance and Credit.
- Moscow State Regional University (former N.K. Krupskaya MPU), 2018. Faculty of Psychology, Pedagogy and Psychology.
Occupation: art, consulting.
Experience: As a lawyer: LLC "SER", LLC "Cosy House", LLC Consulting Company "MISO", Fund of Support for the Implementation of Public and Innovative Projects "Development", LLC "Consultation and Information Center for Work with Taxpayers", as an accountant: LLC "Firm Spets-Audit". Psychologist.
"The role of self-esteem in higher education students," Vestnik MGOU, 2017.
"What are the main goals of higher education institution-based training in the 21st century?", Bulletin of Moscow State University, 2017.
At school I dreamed of becoming a teacher of Russian language and literature, my experience includes all kinds of preparations for school and city festivals. I tried to enter the acting profession, but I was afraid that I would not become famous and in demand, so I entered the economics department. Due to my creative approach to everything in life I achieved success in this field as well (consulting services: from accounting to legal practice). My life is full of contradictions, everything that is incompatible or requires innovative approach is for me. Graduated in psychology, conducted educational classes with children (drawing, composing fairy tales). The withdrawn children were taught only after the removal of psychological clamps through art therapy, games, layouts, dancing. Everything in this life is interesting. Today I combine all my acquired skills.
I am the mother of a lovely daughter, Vera, who is ten years old.
I not only give my work as a gift to my loved ones, but also participate in various festivals and contests.
Member of the Eurasian Art Union.
Submission of competitive bids, participation:
Time Ahead Festival, 2022;
Medics at Work Photo Contest, 2022;
Drawing Together with Komus Contest, 2022;
International exhibition project "Art Geography of Russia", 2022;
Exhibition NordArt 2023 (Germany);
Contemporary Heritage of Russia Contest, St. Petersburg, 2023.
I participate in international art projects conducted by the World Foundation for the Arts together with the Eurasian Art Union, the National Association of Curators of Russia and the "Art of the Future" agency.
Participant of the VI International Festival of naive art NEW DAY - 2022 St. Petersburg (project "SPIRO" Creative Tandem Autonomous non-profit organization for the support and realization of projects in the field of culture, art, film, St. Petersburg, with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. Two of my works were presented: "The Fate of Meyerhold" and Svyatoslav Fedorov. Thoughts on Healing". The work "The Fate of Meyerhold" was published in the catalog.
Participant of the VI Charity Project - Festival "The Way Home", St. Petersburg, 2022.
Participant of the photo contest of drawings "ASTRID LINDGREN ABOVE!", Ufa Model Library № 20 "Kaleidoscope", 2022.
Participant of the International exhibition "ART-Portrait 22" of modern conceptual, avant-garde and abstract art, Moscow. Audience Award - "Roman Abramovich's Mirror of the Soul".
Library № 108, Moscow, personal exhibition, January 2023.
Exhibition project Gallery on Krasnokholmskaya "Message Space. From sign to feeling", 2023.
I love books, I plan to publish my own)) with my own illustrations, to participate in animated movies.
My dream is to sing on one stage with Sofia Rotaru, Tina Turner, star in the movie "Mission Impossible" in the leading female role :), as well as Andron Konchalovsky in any role :)
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