Andreevich Baltgailis (Baltgailis)

Latvia • 1893−1979

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

(1893.27.03. Zelenski County – 1979.15.02.)

Born into a peasant family.

He studied in the Studio of Jan Rosenthal (1906. – 1907.), ATA Cenina real school, where drawing was taught by Julius Madernieks (1907. – 1911.). In 1917. year he graduated from the art school of Penza.

In 1917. year volunteered in Latvian 5. Zemgale squad, where he was awarded the cross of the Jura, in 1918. – participated in the battles in Siberia, 1920. together with Imotski regiment returned from Vladivostok to Latvia. 1920. – 1922. works as a teacher in Zelenskoy vocational school and girls ' school. 1922. – 1944. was a teacher of drawing and history of art at the Institute for teachers of Jelgava, 1945. – 1956. – Cesu 2. high school.

In exhibitions participated since 1913. year.

1919. – launched an exhibition of Latvian artists in Omsk.

Solo exhibition – 1923., 1939. in Jelgava, 1964. in Riga, 1978. in Cesis.

For mortals exhibition – 1979. in priekuļi, 1980. in Jelgava, 1983. in Cesis.

Aktivnyi organizer of artistic life in Latvia since 1925. year. During the appearance of the depletion of literatow and actors "Zaļā vārna", was the head of the section of fine arts until 1940. year.

Did a great job to promote art and culture in Jelgava, in Riga and other Latvian cities. After the second world war, he took up a similar job in Cesis, where he organized the annual art shows of works by regional artists. Member of the Union of Artists since 1945. years, off 1950. and renewed 1958. year.

Life has collected and systematized materials on the history of art. Decided to create a directory of Latvian artists, but for lack of support for the work has not been completed. Scholarship of the Cultural Foundation artist received only 1924./25. year.

In the works is responsible mainly those shooters ( "Fallen wars" 1927., "Rider" 1927., The "old hands" in 1927., "After the battle" 1929., "Island of death" 1934., "Tirelpurvs" 1934., "Arrows of fire" 1936.). Most of the work 20. 30. years were killed in Riga during the war, after the second world war, they restored from memory. Painted portraits, landscapes, everyday ones, but mostly the theme of rural work. Worked mainly with tempera paints and watercolors. Concise – the color, composition and drawing. Expressive rhythms. The composition emphasized the movement of the action. In the last years of his life he turned to Biblical themes.


"Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās", 1. is. - R.: "Latvian encyclopedia", 1995.,- G. Tydeman, 42.-43.p.

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