
Russia • 1708−1762

Biografie und Informationen

"Roman is a promising painter and decorator". In 1745, invited by the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences for teaching perspective. Professor perspectives, and member of the Academy of fine Arts, the former at the Academy of Sciences; since 1757 a member of the new Academy of fine Arts. Formed a prospective master makhaeva. Wrote a few shades for the Peterhof and Tsarskoe Selo palaces. (Kondakov)

Italian decorator (died 1761), who worked in Russia and created a school here ""perspectivist"". Arrived in St. Petersburg in 1742, and soon received many orders for paintings of St. Petersburg and suburban palaces of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna . Also wrote theatrical scenery and arranged for court masquerades. With 1745 taught at the drawing school of the Academy of Sciences and had many disciples, of which the most famous of M. Makhaev , A. the Greeks and IV. Lapkin, who wrote under his leadership, the views of St. Petersburg, in 1753 and executed the Grand plan of this city. From the works of V. retains some oil landscapes in the Winter and Anichkov palaces and manor ""Sans'ennui"" g. G. the fan Casing of fan der pals, the scenery of the walls of the Tsarskoye Selo Hermitage, as well as the designs of decorations in the Department of drawings of the Imperial Hermitage.