Mikhailovich Varichev

Russia • geboren in 1924

Thesis in the CVC (workshop of Y. M. Neprintsev, 1951-1957.) - "Return to cut", rating is good. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born in 1924 into a peasant family in the village of lower Losiha, Smolenshina. Since childhood, came into his life and unhurried village life, and the concept of peasant labor on earth, and this very Semler, with its meadows,groves,unprepossessing river.

Years will pass and all this, seen through the eyes of a child, heartfelt and meaningful adult - will be an invaluable asset landscape painter Ivan Varichev.

In 1931 the family Maricevich move to Leningrad. Start a new life in the city. But the experience rural childhood will eventually make themselves known and lead of the Leningrad student, first in the circle of the pioneer, and then in Art school .

But war breaks out. And in 42-m eighteen year old Ivan Varichev you'll be her soldier. He was one of those who under Puchkovym, crow mountains tore the ring of the siege of Leningrad. Not once wounded in battle, fought for the liberation from the Nazis in the Baltics, and in the 45th, after the Victory, fought on the Japanese front.

War, military service is over for Varicheva only in the 47th and then the soldiers of the great Patriotic returned to the Leningrad art school and finished it, entered the Repin Institute, in the beautiful Studio of Professor Yu. M. Neprintsev.

In 1963-64 years working in the Creative workshop of Professor A. A. Mylnikov. His landscape paintings, constantly appear at the Leningrad all-Union exhibitions, always recognizable at a light and lyrical mood, painting, hot - tempered, harmonious in color.

In landscapes Varicheva live in Russia - "ismana",quiet, like vslushivalsya to himself, looking into the fields, woods, river gave Russia the shadow of Russian birches, ancient temples. The scenery of these, written in old Ladoga, Tver region, Vologda, uncomplicated by motives, sincere and steeped in poetry - a quiet, intimate song artist Varicheva about his native land.

(author:Hope Neshataeva, art historian, Member of Union of artists of Russia)

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