Barilovich Ismagilov

Russia • geboren in 1940

Biografie und Informationen

1940 Born in the city of Perm

1972 Graduated from the Leningrad higher art-industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina, majoring in "arts and crafts"

1978 member of the Union of artists of Russia

(28.10.1940, Perm), artist-application engineer, graphic artist, painter, interior designer. In 1960 he graduated from Perm. railway College. He studied in the Studio of A. M. Demina, who worked at Perm. state art gallery. In 1960-1962, he studied at the Kazan art school, 1967-1972 – at the Leningrad higher art-industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina at the Department of glass and ceramics. In 1972-1973, he worked as the main artist Settlement a glass factory. Since 1973 he began working on interiors of public buildings, in the field of monumental-decorative art, in practice, performing the tasks of synthesis of arts (Atelier Svetlana, 1974; pub "Ural dawns", 1975; restaurant "Evening Gayva", 1976, together with V. E. Jehovam; café "may", 1978, together with V. I. Berezhnyj, etc.). The interiors of most public buildings designed in the Soviet era, have undergone major changes or even lost. But many bright works were preserved and are distinguished by originality, high professionalism, artistic expression. This is the stained glass Windows in the hotel "Ural" (1990), the ice sports complex "Orlyonok" (1987), nauch.-research Institute PRITI (1987), in the hotel "Sport", in youth Theatre (1982), Perm. The Cathedral mosque, administrative building of the factory "Velta" (1993). Several landscape paintings and graphic series of the artist dedicated to North, where he often visited with the expedition of Perm. documentary filmmakers, as well as oz. Lake Baikal, Siberia, the coasts of the Arctic ocean. Ismagilov has created a series of lyrical and epic paintings United by the theme "Rodnoe Prikamie". A number of works made in different materials and artistic techniques dedicated to outstanding Perm. Kama, famous countrymen, who have made great contribution to development of economy, technology and culture. Portraits of film Director M. A. Zaplatina (one variant – in the collection of Perm. state art gallery, the second purchased by the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation), the writer M. D. Golubkov (Literary Museum of the city of Chusovoy), etc. was well received by the public Perm. In 1999-2006, the artist created a number of commemorative plaques to prominent contemporaries: the poet A. L. Reshetova, writer V. P. Astafiev, V. N., surgeon. Perepelitsyna, Dr. E. A. Wagner, projectionist, V. I., Samoilovich, hero of the Soviet Union engineer Z. G. ishakova known artists to television Director L. I. Footlike, the Chapter "uralgazservis" P. O. Pyleva. To the attention of the artist and historical figures of past centuries: C. F. moder, brothers Kamensky, A. P. Gaidar, V. N. Tatishchev, S. P. Diaghilev, etc. In a building Perm. state University there is a sculptural portrait of I. I. Lyubimov, parohodchika and patron, whose funds were built by the University. In interiors of public buildings, you can see the portrait of the founder of the city of Perm V. N. Tatishchev work Ismagilova. B. R. Ismagilov – the constant participant of regional, regional, Ural, Republican art exhibitions. Solo exhibitions of his works took place in Perm. art gallery, House of artists in Perm, municipal exhibition hall, exhibition halls and museums of Perm. region, as well as in the exhibition hall of the Union of artists of Kazan. R. B. Ismagilov several election seasons was Chairman of Perm. organization of the Union of artists. Portraits and landscapes, graphic works of R. B. Ismagilov stored in Perm. art gallery, Perm Krai Museum, the museums of Perm. region and the Urals, in Tchaikovsky art gallery, gallery of the city of Krasnokamsk. A number of works Ismagilova acquired State Museum of fine arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (GIIRT). Picturesque works are in many Russian and foreign private collections. Stained glass, ceramic composition, decorative sculpture, commemorative plaques, figures of science, culture, art decorate and adorn the interiors and exteriors of public buildings in Perm.


"To the sixtieth anniversary of the great Victory", Moscow, 2005.

"Golden palette", an exhibition of Perm. artists, Saratov, 2007.

Exhibition of Perm. artists in Ufa, 2007.

Exhibition of Perm. artists in the city of Izhevsk, 2007.

Exhibition of works by Ravil Rustam Ismailovich, Perm, 2004.

Family exhibition of works Ismagilovich, Kazan, 2005.

Lit.: [Ravil Ismagilov, Barilovic] // Perm: collected essays / comp. N. V. Kazarinova. Perm, 1981. P. 15, 34, 35, 107-113; Ravil Ismagilov, Barilovic // Kazarinova N. V. Artists Perm. Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1987. S. 52-53, 93, 170-171; Ravil Ismagilov, Barilovic // pages of the history of artistic culture of the Kama region: proc. allowance. Perm: Book. the world, 2006. P. 66-67: portr., Il.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", N. V. Kazarinova)

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