Dmitrievna Chichagova-Rossinskaya

Russia • 1874−1971

Biografie und Informationen

(1874-1971) – ur.Chichagov.-daughter of the famous architect D. N. Chichagov ,author of the state Duma building on the red square and many other facilities in Moscow,the founder of the Moscow Union of architects.

Rossinsky, E. D. his long life spent in Moscow.Finished in 1903, Uzviz, where he met with artist Vladimir Rossinsky and married him. Vladimir I. Rossinsky at the beginning of the century was a famous portraitist. His hands belong the portraits of I. Bunin, L. Andreev, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Chaliapin, and many others which are now in various museums of Moscow.

E. D. Rossinsky worked in the classroom Repin, Vladimir Makovsky, in the Studio of F. Schechtel, was close with E. S. Kruglikova, A. S. Golubkina, the family of the artist K. A. Savitsky. After her husband's death (1919) got an apartment in the House for widows and orphans of Russian artists, built by the P. Tretyakov at Lavrushinsky per 3 opposite the Tretyakov gallery. No social upheaval (she survived two wars and two revolutions) could not distract her from her easel. The main subjects of her paintings are landscapes and still lifes, where she has achieved true mastery.


1. Chichagov-Rossinsky E. D. In Moscow and Paris. – in the book. "Kruglikova.Life and work. Leningrad:Khudozhnik RSFSR,1969

2. Rossinsky, E. D. memories of L. A. Now. In the book:Now,Moscow: Iskusstvo,1970

3. Rossinsky, E. I. memories of Golubkina. In the book:Anna Golubkina.Personality of the era.The culture. . M.,Fine arts,1990.

4. Rossinsky, E. I.,L. Y. Chichagov Architectural family Chichagova. In the book. The Moscow archives.Local history almanac.Vol.1. M.:1996

(text added A. B. parmenov is)