Semenovna Zimonenko

Russia • geboren in 1927

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

1927 born in Moscow

1946-1952 years studying at the Moscow architectural Institute and Institute. The Moscow city Council.

Since 1961 working in the fine arts in Russia and abroad.

Member of the Union of artists of Russia (since 1973) and Germany (since 1993).

Design and implementation of urban environment, public spaces, museums and expositions.

Creating a feature series of collages.

Participated in numerous art exhibitions.

since 1993, the implementation of more than 20 personal exhibitions in Russia and Germany together with his family: architects and artists Roman Faerstein and Anna Zimonenko.

Works of the artist are in private and public collections in Russia, Germany, Poland, Israel and the United States.

Love Simonenko lives and works in Moscow and Hamburg.

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