Vasilyevich Lubenko

Russia • geboren in 1941

Thesis in the CVC - painting "Rest" of the hall of the Finland station in Leningrad, the estimation is excellent. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter.

Born Vladimir Lubenko in 1941 in Krasnodar, from the age of 5 he grew up in Sochi, where the family moved in 1946 after the war. Shaken by the “heavenly” nature of this blessed land and filled with the desire to convey the charm of the sea, mountains, palm trees, gave the mother word “to learn how to draw so that human eye it will seem that the leaves on the trees swaying as living...” And I kept it. Indeed, the paintings of Vladimir Lubenko perceived by the audience as living, there is the “illusion of presence”.

His parents were military: his father, a military pilot, and her mother worked in the KGB. By the time when his family finally settled in Sochi, the father became the head of the passport office, and his mother was a housewife. But “he grew up as Mowgli” more on the street, often running out of the house from “father's barracks”, slept in the attics and just under the open sky, in a cave on the hill under an oak tree. True father believed the sea was brought up by the sea, learning from him of plasticity, the inimitable difference, eternal, unshakable strength, liberty. The mother believed the nature surrounding him, he studied her soft, feminine tenderness, a quiet Majesty, sacrifice. Have learned from everyone who surrounded him.

Growing up in the postwar Soviet Union, from a young age he believed in communism, seeing it as a commune of people and Nations who are tied by love and friendship. At the same time, not separating the concepts of capitalism and fascism, hated them with all my heart. As an adult, he remained unattached to money, believing that money is only a means to the realization of ideas and human qualities in their highest manifestation of the ideal man. Respect in people sincerity and naturalness.

In Sochi, engaged in the Pioneer, tried his hand as a writer, sculptor, painter, actor. Proud that in theatre he was given the role of Volodya Ulyanov. Between him and his hero growing up was striking the resemblance. Passionate about the living secrets of nature he very early began to study everything, for everyone to watch, over all to reflect, to compare, to compare phenomena, to draw conclusions, educate yourself as a thinker and philosopher, since his childhood he wrote poems. At the same time, being an active child, he developed physically: lifted weights, wrestled, javelin, disk, was fond of Cycling and loved to dive, especially a lot of time was dedicated to gymnastics. Already the Institute was engaged in Boxing, but to participate in the competition is refused because of misunderstanding, how can you beat people just for the sake of the sport, in order to rise above them.

In 12 years, set a goal to become a great artist and pursued it persistently and consistently. His first teacher was Olga Stepanova, a famous artist from the circle of the Itinerants, the great lady, in her youth, she had an affair with Kuindzhi. She left a deep trace in the life of Vladimir. His little gold statuette, E. E. Lanceray, “Cossack cleans the horse,” she wanted to give him, but like a true pioneer, he refused to accept such an expensive gift. Olga was educated in the spirit of the academic school, for the best works of artists-the romantics and the classics of all time.

After finishing school in 1958, Vladimir entered the Krasnodar art teacher with a theatrical leaning school. Learning, all the time trying to understand the relationship and patterns of this world, sought to discover the secret of his unity, wrote a lot from nature. Studied nature and her secrets, and has always shared his discoveries with friends His bright, colorful work had already impressed with a sense of reality. The theses of the Commission came from the Leningrad Academy of Arts, the head of which was academician V. V. Pimenov. He noted the success of Vladimir Lubenko and invited him to come to Leningrad.

In 1962, Vladimir Lubenko he entered the Leningrad academic Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin. Here his teachers were Olkhovsky, he V. V. Pimenov and the third - year head monumental Studio of A. A. Mylnikov. Without stopping to reflect on life and death, the world, Vladimir Lubenko continued to explore the impact of visual media on the perception of the person and his upbringing. The excitement of the discoverer, set in my childhood goal of becoming a great artist, inquisitive mind and constant creative search in 28 years, led him to the discovery of the “System core truths” of the system of perception of visual media as a unity of multiplicity effects.

In 1969, Lubenko a splash finishes Academy of Arts on a speciality “monumental painting” and gets the recognition of the examination Committee as an outstanding muralist and painter. During his studies came the understanding that life is a battle, there must be either a winner, or refuse to do. But without struggle there is no victory. And he took this fight and devoted himself entirely to “creativity”, which is seen in nature the world as a system and called it the “point of the unfolding Universe”, and then “point lens”, and finally confirmed by the conceptual-semantic system of core truths as the point of synthesis of the pivotal developments of the ideas and movements of life are real and objective, as well as all the developments, movements, patterns, and principles.

During the year after graduation, he worked in Sochi, continuing the experiments on a huge canvas-polygon, explored the elements of painting: dots, spots, texture, exposure to bright clean colors and their combinations, checking open them system. At this time, it was written a few paintings in a new technique. One of the works of that time - is a portrait made of only three colours: emerald green, ultramarine and strontium yellow. Portrait of a brother was completely realistic, was struck by the fact that whoever was looking at the portrait from bakers and policemen to artists and scientists-all saw the man, his character, his life, sympathized with him, worried, but no one noticed wild, unnatural, bright colors and unusual combinations, the portrait seemed alive. Had the effect of a 3-dimensional image in which the viewer sees not the paint, put the defined brush strokes on a canvas, but a living reality.

There was another unusual effect of the presence of work – “Night landing”. Brought to St. Petersburg and presented to a wide range of artists, it struck all sense of reality, everything was live, look and be “a nightmare”; the painting depicted the death of a soldier-parachutist. The work of acknowledged genius. Later, it began to compare to, banned at the time, the works of Filonov, and under the influence of the welter of opinions Vladimir Lubenko began to rewrite the canvas and finally painted over the work. In addition to the larger works at this time written a lot of sketches in which he explored the impact of color and composition of nature on the human perception.

In 1965-1977 G. V. Lubenko worked in Leningrad, Sochi, Adler and executed a number of monumental orders, without ceasing to look for combinations of dots, lines, spots, images that carry a certain impact absolute harmony of perfection, which should be works of art, poetry, literature.

In 1974 he started his pedagogical work at the Department of painting at the Art Academy.Mukhina, and then taught at art school.Serov and other art schools of Leningrad, CIC, Kirovsk, Pavlovsk, for its “Universal core truth”(hereinafter, USE), checking its practice of upbringing. Children, who studied with Vladimir Lubenko rapidly developing have shown stunning results. The Director and teachers other schools did not believe that such work children create themselves and raised gossip. But, while the party organization quickly put a stop to the slander, as, being close to the school in Kirovsk, and watched pedagogical activity of the artist. This case showed human nature – envy and rivalry, but from the denial and disbelief of everything new, distinctive and therefore impenetrable.

In 1984, USCI or the system core ideas realized, when Vladimir Lubenko opened a Studio education art club “Vulkan” at the State Russian Museum. And 2 years later, in 1986, the results of the work Studio of the Russian Museum received gold, silver and bronze medals for methodological developments and advances in aesthetic education of youth, manifested in the amazing work of children and their intellectual development that plagues all open lessons of the Soviet era. The effectiveness of the system was obvious, and for the next years about training in the Studio “Volcano” was filmed TV clips (T. Sorokina “Telecourier”, Vladislav Leaves “the View” and many others), was written reports in Newspapers and magazines. M. S. Gorbachev at the exhibition of the exhibition was selected from all children's collections is the collection of works by children of the Volcano for donation to American children during his visit to America. “Volcano” resounded throughout the country and abroad.

Confirming in practice the performance of the system was found in 1994 in Moscow Vladimir Lubenko brilliantly defended her doctoral thesis on “the Unity of art education and learning in the educational process.” In preparation for the protection of the scientific Director L. E. Lesokhina suggested for USE deployed the name “System of moral-aesthetic and intellectual development of the individual through theory and practice of arts and Sciences”. Then Lubenko, he became a senior researcher at the State Russian Museum.

In 1990 he was a member of the state program “People. Science. Society” Of The Academy Of Sciences Of Russia.

Known as a public figure of Russia. In the years of the collapse of the Soviet Union has carried out a comprehensive program of “Ambassador of peace”, whose purpose was to reconcile the Slavs of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, to keep their “web of unity”, love and harmony. The program, which included in addition to the exhibition scientific-practical conference, meetings and theatrical performances, started in Saint-Petersburg and Moscow and passed through the main cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. Within it passed, performances of theatre training, open lessons, and workshops were organized. At the opening of the exhibition at the Kiev State arts center Russia's Ambassador to Ukraine, called the program “the first sign of the world”, as she became the first Russian cultural program in Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union and took place in those years when there were excesses of Ukrainian nationalism. Especially loud program “Ambassador of peace” was performed in Moscow, at the exhibition in the Central House of the Artist and held in the same conference, which attracted the attention of many media correspondents. The final stage was a Grand exhibition in the “Manege” Saint-Petersburg, which was of great public resonance and has entailed a lot of business proposals for the introduction of USE, until the proposal to open the institution, working copyright system Lubenko.

These achievements do not come by themselves, they are given great effort and a constant struggle for what is right. There were rivals, envious, enemies. Everyone was looking for a reason to attack, especially since it was a selfish reason: spaces allocated a Small Academy of arts, located in one of the most beautiful places, in front of the Summer garden and the summer house of Peter the great, in the heart of St. Petersburg. And since the yard by that time, was ennobled and decorated with mosaics, the cost of apartments has increased and many began to claim the area, in the elite quarter. The mosaic design was to attract many artists, they use it for the photo shoot and was shooting the videos and films (among them Oleg Basilashvili, Yury Shevchuk and many others), not to mention the endless stream of wedding processions, tourists and simply walking citizens. So, apart from the ideological struggle was also a struggle for territory. And if, before the collapse of the Soviet Union's enemies to discredit an extraordinary person, other than all, accused her of anti-Soviet, now decided to hang up a shortcut of the sect.

By 1997, Vladimir Lubenko grows a son who learned from his father, and powerfully developed as a painter and poet. Not finding more honest ways, envious decided to restore him against his father, suggesting that his father “Loch”, not able to earn money and just ”jerk”. Son (Volodya) was seventeen, the age that is transitional and difficult for the boy. Emerged from under his father's influence, he was caught in a wave of active religious-capitalist propaganda of various youth movements, skinheads, Satanists, fascists. One day, in the presence of the comrades of his company, he called the girl he loved, but who abandoned him. Asked her to come and threatened that if she did not return, then he'll jump from the 6th floor. The guys walked on the roof. She came, and friends left to wait for what he will do. It was told the police his friend. Volodya sat and listened to Nirvana, fashionable at the time to be a band, and then ran away and jumped. His PAL idly stood by and watched. The tragic death of his son Vladimir Lubenko detractors used as an excuse to attack. They accused him of death of his son and made the accusation of sectarianism, openly using extracts from different newspaper articles about current sects, their immoral activities, and the frankly fictional stories about the life of the club “Volcano”. The authors of the libel understood that they will remain with impunity, as Vladimir Lubenko proclaims life in harmony with the world and the laws of goodness and creativity, and therefore won't attack them. In this dastardly deed, they dragged the eldest son of Vladimir Lubenko Sergei. Sergei's soul were offended by the father blame him that he threw his mother, not realizing and not seeing that she wasn't ready to be “wife” and support creative search of his father. This pushed him to take the opposite position to the father. Later when the lie was exposed, the organizers shifted the blame on Sergei, claiming that he made them to libel. All insisted that the father sued the son, but Vladimir Lubenko, of course, refused. It was on hand as the group of naborschikov and Sergei. He after three years of training on the system of Vladimir Lubenko began to conduct NLP practitioner course at Institute of Technology based on the system of his father, and later began to lecture at the advanced training Institute. This despite the fact that he had only secondary geodetic education and vocational secondary education firefighter. In addition, learning from his father, he organized the international company and directed it. Which again confirms the effectiveness of the system, USSI, where his father was raised. Also others that have used the methodology, without referring to the author.

So, slander created additional obstacles in the case of Vladimir Lubenko, but, on the other hand, left a lot of positive articles and TV programs about the need to state, USE. And despite the slander, and despite the efforts of ill-wishers, Small Academy of arts of the original Amateur Association received the status of a public institution, and Vladimir Lubenko became its Director.

In 2004, he graduated from the Higher Administrative school of St. Petersburg Administration at the faculty of civil servants, his diploma on the theme: “Improvement of methodology and methods of artistic polyfunctional education as a component of additional education of adolescents in the system, USE”.

In 2007 awarded the honorary title “Honored artist of Russia”

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