Israeolovich Gabrielyan

Azerbaijan • geboren in 1926

Thesis in the CVC - "Jafar Jabbarli" rating - excellent. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of the artist painting.

(R. 27.06.1926, Baku), painter, member. CX USSR(1958). He graduated from Azerbaijan state art. Uch-school them. A. Azim-Zade (1949). Was a student of V. M. Oreshnikov, A. A. Mylnikov. In 1956-67 lived and worked in Person. Party., zones., Rep., proceedings of all-Union. exhibitions. Ed. the number of the monument.decorative works in the interior of society. buildings People. and the region, including the monument. panel “V. K. Blucher” in Person. (sovm. with V. I. Grigoriev). Proizv. are COKG. With con. 60s lives in Baku.


O. A. Kuzaev


Lit.: N e z n a n s K y, L. a portrait of the artist // CHR. 1971. 15 Aug.; Ruben Gabrielyan Israelevich: CA. works: Cat. H, 1972; Tikhomirov V. Meetings of the paintings // Komsomolets (H). 1973. 20 Jan.; Emelyanov Yu. a Portrait of bison // CHR. 1987. 14 Nov.; A b R a m e n K o Y. “bison” artist Gabrielyan // HF. 1989. 29 APR.

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