Andrey Krasulin. Practice, process, cut

Ausstellung 6 Oktober − 21 November 2021
Moscow Museum of Modern Art and pop/off/art gallery present a large-scale exhibition Andrei Krasulin, "Practice, Process, Slice.

The exhibition, consisting of sculptural objects, paintings and drawings, features over 200 works by the author created between 1960s and 2021.

The exhibition has a retrospective character, but it is not arranged in chronological order, but is grouped in a peculiar installation manner. As conceived by the curators, the exhibition is a network or cross-section of individual overlapping, intersecting and sometimes rhyming narratives. Constructed as an index or dictionary, it reveals the thematic anchors and tropes upon which Krasulin's artistic language is built. Andrei Krasulin is a unique figure for Russian contemporary art. He belongs to the narrow circle of authors of his generation whose works escape direct contextualization and localization within the Russian community. This is largely because the range of issues that concerned and still concern him is much more related to themes associated with the Western European artistic tradition than with domestic contemporary art. In his ascetic works the motifs of the Italian arte povera and the formal search, consonant with the modernist experiments of the beginning of the century, are much more obvious. The artist himself, in describing his works and consistently avoiding any limiting labels, defines his occupation by the word "practice".

Prepared according to the materials of the official website Moscow Museum of Modern Art.