The Mask of the Dioscurs: Birth and Death

Ausstellung 2 Dezember 2021 − 2 Dezember 2023
The exhibition is dedicated to the ancient history of Abkhazia. In the 6th century BC, Greek settlers from Asia Minor founded the colony of Dioscuria on the land of ancient Abkhaz tribes. The ideological background to the colonization of this part of the Black Sea coast was the Greek myth of the Dioscurian brothers, who participated in the march of the Argonauts for the "golden fleece".
The exhibition consists of a triptych, this panel "Mask of Dioscurus" and two scrolls made in the technique of antique red-figure vase painting.
"Illustrative" painting of the Birth and Death scrolls allows us to reveal a retrospective of the events of the same name. The panel (banner) "Mask of Dioscurus" reflects the spirit of the ancient Greek mysteries in which ritual masks of the initiation of young men were used.
During the fifth century, Pontic merchants arriving in Dioscuria made offerings to the temple built in honor of the Dioscurians. According to tradition, the posthumous mask of Caster was kept in this temple.

The premiere demonstration of the exhibition "Mask of Dioscuros" was presented on the site of the ruins of the fortress walls of the 18th century on the waterfront Dioscuros in Sukhumi 3.07.2021, celebrating the 2505th anniversary of the formation in the Sukhumi Bay polis Dioscuryada.

The triptych was donated to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Abkhazia. The transferred exposition is permanently open on weekdays from 10:00-18:00 in the National Library of Abkhazia.