Davidovich Burliuk

Ukraine • 1887−1917

Biografía e información

(1886, Kharkiv – 1917, Thessaloniki, Greece)


The artist-experimenter, one of the founders of Russian futurism. Brother David (the theorist and the chief organizer of Russian futurism, the Creator of the first futuristic group Gileya) and Nicholas (poet, novelist, critic) Burliuk.


Studied at the Voronezh art school, together with his brother David took lessons

at Cormon in Paris.


Participant of exhibitions in 1907: "Blue rose" (1907), "Garland" (1907 – 1908), Link (1908), "Jack of diamonds" (1910 – 1911). Exhibited in the salon Izdebsky in Odessa (1911),


at the Paris Salon of independent (1914). In 1915 he exhibited his paintings – "liberated words" in Rome. The last work of the artist was named


"Cucurucu" – as if to confirm they said: "anyway, we left brother and no one will write".



He died under mysterious circumstances.


The works by V. Burliuk are Gtgi other museums and private collections in Russia

and Abroad.

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