Nikolaevich Surin

Russia • nació en 1960

(R. 15.08.1960, Chelyabinsk), painter, member. Artists Union of Russia (1991). Grew up in a family person artist painter N. F. Surin. In 1981 he graduated from the Person. art school (studied with N. A. Aristov, A. M. Smirnov), in 1989 – Moscow. state academic. of arts. in-t im. V. I. Surikov (studied under I. V. Schatz-who, A. T. Danilichev, V. G. Tsyplakov, S. N. Andriyaka, S. I. Chirkov, V. N. Zabelina). Works in various genres, preferring landscapes.? Fine transmission of the fleeting States of nature, characteristic for the Russian. realistic. school of painting, is inherent in the artist's works. Since 1984 he exhibits paintings at arts. exhibitions, first the Moscow. then, resp., proceedings of all-Union. int. (“Russian art at the world exhibition “Expo-92, Seville, Spain, 1992; “Contemporary Russian painting”, Hong Kong, 1993, 1994, 1996; “Russian art of the late twentieth century,” Kennedy center, Washington, DC, USA, 1996). C. the participant of people of artists “Russian province” (1994, 1997, 1999). Persons. exhibition “Painting of Dmitry Surin” was held in Moscow in 1999. Proizv. artist are in the state museums, numerous. private ROS. and Zaruba. collections in great Britain, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong, Denmark, Spain, Italy, China, USA, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Japan. Since 1996 teaches in the fine arts. Uch-school.

T. A. Mamykina

Lit.: Kalashnikov V. Taking over // Artist. 1993. No. 4; the Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia, 1936-1991: Right. / AVT.-comp. O. A. Kudzaev. H, 1996; Manin V. Pure joy of art // Culture. 1997. 11 Jan.; Painting Of Dmitry Surin: Cat. CA. H, 2000; Tkachenko M. In water Venice sailed // HF. 2000. 15 Feb.

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