Borisovich Yudovin

Russia • 1892−1954

Biografía e información

Born in Beshenkovichi (Vitebsk province) in 1892 in the family of a craftsman. In 1906 he entered the Vitebsk School of drawing and painting I. M. pan. In 1910-1913 he studied in St. Petersburg at the Drawing school Society for the encouragement of arts, Studio of M. D. Bernstein, and M. V. Dobuzhinsky. Joining the “Jewish Renaissance” movement, aims to study and artistic interpretation of Jewish antiquities and traditional way of life, - participated in ethnographic expeditions to the “pale of settlement” under the leadership of the writer S. An-sky (Rappoport, S. A.; 1912-1914). Later again he lived in Vitebsk, completing his artistic education in the local Artistic and practical Institute (1919-1922). From 1924 he settled in Leningrad, where he was (until 1928) scientific Secretary of the Jewish Museum.

Worked in different techniques, in the printed schedule of preferring woodcut, and later on linoleum. In the 1920s he created large series of the Former (which included a lot of bright small-town portraits-of portraits, landscapes and genres, mainly in explanation of the old Vitebsk) and supplemented it by the end of 1930-ies of the new leaves. Historical retrospective line inside modernity connected here with the drama of expressionism. Released albums Vitebsk in the engravings of S. B. Yudovina (in the Belarusian language; 1926) and S. Yudovin. Wood engravings (1928). His art-historical observations summarized in the cycle woodblock prints Jewish folk ornament (1924-1941). Worked as a book Illustrator in the romantic sense (making books: the Journey of Benjamin III Mendel-moyher-sforima, 1935; Jew Suss Feuchtwanger, L., 1938-1939; Historical novels O. D. Forsh, 1949; etc.).

Until the summer of 1942, he remained in besieged Leningrad, and then was evacuated to Karabikha near Yaroslavl, where he worked on a series of Nekrasov places (1944). Upon return in the same year in the Northern capital has completed work on a cycle of woodcuts and linoleum Leningrad during the great Patriotic war (published in album in 1948); the dark tragedy of these things makes them stand out sharply against the background of the then battle officialdom. Died Yudovin Leningrad.

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    1 user
  • Estilos
  • Técnicas
    Acuarela, El blanco, Linograbado
  • Formas del arte
    Arte gráfico, Grabado
  • Tópicos
    , , , Urban landscape
  • Asociaciones creativas
  • Estudios