Elena Flerova was born in Moscow in the family of the artist-designer N. N. Cardoza and theatre Director and teacher E. N. Gonsowski - Plerosai.
Graduated from Art school at the Moscow state Institute.In.And.Surikov (1963), Moscow state Institute of im. V. I. Surikov (1969).
Awarded the silver medal of the USSR Academy of arts in 1972 and a silver medal VDNH USSR in 1973. He graduated from the Academy of arts of the USSR in the class of people's artist of USSR, academician of the Academy of arts of the USSR, Professor E. A. Kibrik (1974).
Admitted to the Union of artists of the USSR in 1976.
Every year he became the laureate of the year journals - “Nature and people”, “Soviet woman”, “rural youth”(1976-1991).
Has received numerous awards from magazines “Worker”, ”Shift” and ”Peasant.”
Publishing house “Children's literature” was awarded first prize “Best book” for five years (1986). Winner of the international prize for best book in Prague.
Worked in the Jewish gallery in new York (1991-2005). E. Flerov inspired creative process, and she developed a spiritual interest in creating paintings about the life and traditions of the Jewish people.
Her paintings have been honored with numerous awards, sold in galleries and at auctions, including the auction “PHILLIPS”. E. Flerova has written over five hundred works about the life of the Jewish people.
The paintings were purchased by people of art, culture, public and state figures, collectors. So, Mr. Markovic, the owner of the nursing homes in the city of new York bought more than 30 paintings, one of which bought them for three hundred and sixty thousand dollars.
Mr. Moshe Wolfson bought 20 paintings. Admirers of E. Flerova from Russia, Italy, Switzerland, Australia, Israel, Germany, England, China and other countries appreciated the artistic gift of the E. Flerova, acquiring the property of her paintings.
E. Flerova awarded the first prize at the International competition “HERSTORY” of women (2000). The winner of the contest “PORTRAIT” of American artists, winner of the International competition “PORTRAIT” in the city of new York(2002).
Since 2005, E. Flerova works in Moscow. The national Committee of public awards of the E. Flerov was awarded the “Peter the Great” the I-th degree, order of M. V. Lomonosov prize. M. V. Lomonosov, the International prize “a Great Russia.Names.”