Isaakovich Slobodin

Russia • 1931−1990

Thesis in the CVC - picturesque panel "Friendship of peoples" in the Ethnographic Museum in Leningrad, the rating is good. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter.

Muralist. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Was born in village Kalinino of the Kherson oblast, Ukrainian SSR. He studied at the Odessa pedagogical College of art. In 1963 he graduated from the faculty of monumental art at the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin. Since 1963 works in the Omsk pedagogical Institute. A. M. Gorky. Since 1989 – Professor. He was Chairman of the arts Council of the Omsk branch of the Art Fund of the RSFSR. A member of the artists Union since 1967, Honored worker of culture of the RSFSR. Participant of regional, zonal, Republican exhibitions. M. A. Slobodin, one of the first in Omsk began to create monumental murals on the facades of buildings. The author of the unique tapestries at the Omsk state regional scientific library. Of A. S. Pushkin. Died 8 January 1990 in Omsk.

Lit.: M. I. Slobodin // Significant dates of Omsk Irtysh region, 2001. – Omsk, 2000. – C. 19-20; Slobodin Mikhail I. // Omsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia : [album directory]. – Omsk, 2004. – P. 270-271.

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