The death and the miser, detail

Hieronymus Bosch • Pintura, 1490-e
Acerca de la obra
Forma del arte: Pintura
Tópico y objetos: ,
Técnica: El aceite
Materiales: El árbol
Fecha de creación: 1490-e
Obra en las selecciones: 7 selections
La descripción de la obra aún no existe. A lo mejor, aparecerá más tarde. Sigue las actualizaciones de Arthive.
Other artworks by this artist
Avaro de la muerte
Avaro de la muerte
1490-e , 92.6×30.8 cm
Digital copy
The Temptation Of St. Anthony. The Central part of the triptych
The Temptation Of St. Anthony. The Central part of the triptych
XVI siglo, 131.5×119 cm
Digital copy
The garden of earthly delights. Left wing. Fragment
The garden of earthly delights. Left wing. Fragment
Carro de heno
Carro de heno
1515, 135×190 cm
Digital copy
The garden of earthly delights. Left wing. Fragment
The garden of earthly delights. Left wing. Fragment
The garden of earthly delights. The Central part. Fragment
The garden of earthly delights. The Central part. Fragment
Digital copy
Hell of a river. The polyptych Visions of the underworld (Blessed and cursed). The right panel
Hell of a river. The polyptych Visions of the underworld (Blessed and cursed). The right panel
1516, 86.5×39.5 cm
Digital copy
The Carrying Of The Cross
The Carrying Of The Cross
1498, 142.5×104.5 cm
Digital copy
Cielo e infierno (cuatro visiones del inframundo)
Cielo e infierno (cuatro visiones del inframundo)
1516, 86.5×158 cm
Digital copy
The Adoration Of The Magi. The Central part of the triptych. Fragment
The Adoration Of The Magi. The Central part of the triptych. Fragment
Obras recomendadas:
Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna Kvitchenko. Napa Valley, California
Napa Valley, California
2023, 90×60 cm
Goncharova Marina Grigorievna. Gorokhovets.
  • Publicidad
2019, 290×400 cm
Unknown artist. "Checkmate."
  • Publicidad
88×80 cm
Sergei Borisovich Krivonogov. A view of silvery Tuscania. Italy
  • Publicidad
A view of silvery Tuscania. Italy
2019, 30×24 cm
Digital copy
Digital copy
Guzel Rakhmetova. Copywriting marks
  • Publicidad
Copywriting marks
2025, 50×50 cm