Scenic Reserve version 2018

Exhibition 15 − November 29, 2018
In the Museum of Contemporary Ukrainian Art Korsakov exhibition “A picturesque reserve. Version 2018 ". Its main participants are Tiberius Silvashy, Alexander Zhivkok, Marko Geiko, Anatoly Krivolap and Nikolay Krivenko. Representatives of the "Picturesque Reserve" made an art career alone. Krivolapa today is called "the most expensive artist of Ukraine", Beastroot is considered an anchorite, almost an alchemist of painting, and Silvashi is a generally accepted "living classic."

"Picturesque Reserve" was formed in 1991. Its main program was “neoformalism”, where the picture is presented by the authors not as a window into the world, but as a plane covered with a layer of paint. The main task of artists - the study of color, texture and shape in space.

This exhibition reminds the viewer of the powerful Ukrainian association of artists, whose works today are highlights of many famous Ukrainian and foreign collections. This is, without a doubt, a significant cultural event for Ukrainian contemporary art.