The State Tretyakov Gallery presents an exhibition
"Ivan Nikolaev".
Ivan Valentinovich Nikolaev (born 1940) is a muralist, painter and graphic artist, the son of artists Tatiana Serebryakova and Valentina Nikolayeva, a representative of the famous Benois-Lanceray-Serebryakov family. His work stands apart in the Soviet art of the second half of the twentieth century - both official and unofficial.
The most famous for him were his monumental design works, in particular - the artistic design of the Moscow Metro stations - Borovitskaya, Otradnoe (together with his wife Marina Mikhailovna Dedova-Dzedushinskaya) and Dostoevskaya. Also of particular interest is his easel creativity: still lifes, landscapes, portraits, as well as spatial objects.
The exhibition presents the early works of Ivan Nikolayev, mainly in the 1970s and 1980s. Especially for the exhibition, the well-known installation “The Death of Popkov”, made of sheet metal, wood and hardboard, and painted with oil, was restored and partially reconstructed. At the end of the exhibition, the work as a gift from the author will go to the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery.
Based on the materials of the official site
The State Tretyakov Gallery.