Dashi Namdakov

Exhibition December 12, 2018 − March 11, 2019
State Russian Museum invites to the exhibition "Dashi Namdakov"dedicated to the works of modern Buryat sculptor.

At the exhibition, visitors can see 63 works of sculpture, graphics, decorative arts from the collection of the author himself, private collections, as well as from the collectionIrkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P.Sukacheva.

Dashi Namdakov (1967) - People's Artist of Buryatia, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts, member of the Russian Academy of Cinema, honorary member of the Florentine Academy of Drawing Art.

The work of the sculptor is associated with the origins of the folk culture of Buryatia, legends about the epic heroes of the Mongolian people, with the legends and parables of Buddhism. But also in the works of the author traced the enormous influence of modern art. Namdakov's sculptures are distinguished by an academically correct plastic, capacity and expressiveness of images, an accurate pattern of movements.

According to the official siteThe State Russian Museum and dashi-art.com.