In the Darwin Museum passes
the exhibition "Andy Warhol. Endangered species". The series of 10 portraits of rare animals exhibited in Moscow for the first time and timed to the Year of ecology in Russia.
A series of silk-screen printing "Endangered species" was created by the king of pop art in 1983 at the request of friends, defenders of wildlife and the Ronald Feldman Freud. It includes portraits of the Amur tiger, African elephant, orangutan, black Rhino, grevy's Zebra, giant Panda, bald eagle, bighorn sheep, tree frogs from the family of tree frogs and butterflies.
With "Endangered species" is one of the most high-profile theft of the XXI century. In 2015, Los Angeles 3 of this series of Warhol, as well as 6 paintings from the series "Ten famous Jews of the twentieth century" worth about 350 thousand dollars were stolen by cybercriminals. Part of the precious missing was returned.
It is interesting that the cycle has another name "Animals in makeup", reflecting the method of making these portraits. Warhol chose the most inspiring photos of rare animals, and then experimented with color, applying it to paper using a special mesh stencils, layer by layer. Deep bright colors and unexpected combinations, as well as large format draw viewers ' attention to the problem of the danger to the animals depicted. In addition, the portraits are incredibly beautiful, they clearly see the style of the Mature Warhol, the star of pop art of the first magnitude. Not surprisingly, the series "Endangered Species" was a great success in all the exhibitions during the life of the author and became one of the most famous and expensive in the creative legacy of Andy Warhol.
The exhibition is jointly organized with the European cultural club and news Agency "Artkontakt".