07 quina 2017 rock at about 15.00 Mikolaskova oblastnomu hudojnika Muse im. Vladimir Vereshagin budesa vakrita uncale of the exhibition, scho got the name "heritage. Renaissance. Ukrainian sacred Derev'yana village sculpture is the icon of XVIII-XIX centuries. Ukrainian Suchasna plastic".
The basis exposits to stanovlenii exponate s private colecc Stanislava Kobesova, namely Ukrainian Derev'yana village sculpture is the icon of XVIII-XIX centuries.
Harmonik dopovnennya exposits steel work suchasnih mikolaski sculptor Yury Makushina that Yuri Odrobinska, that put she her complex Suchasna ukraïnskoï plastics.
Zaprosov usih bazhayuchih senoritaa have tanto ukraïnskoï sakralne sculpture Koni!