Exhibition of Timeless Art

Exhibition 17 − May 22, 2019
Festival of timeless art
Timeless, "non-artificial" art.

(A century overloaded with information. Art pretending to be frank is overabundance. In many ways, this overabundance is deliberate. But in real, living art there is an ability to orient yourself intuitively - just like an iron-raped mind is forced to orient itself in the world overloaded with information.)

A contemporary artist is somehow called upon to create harmony at the crossroads of organized information flows, he always “leads to an adequate common denominator.”
But in the world, the immutable truths, the eternal, continue to persist obstinately. Joy and love never disappear. And in art, tradition does not die.

(Despite the fact that, in the absence of wings, you have to concentrate on the steps, look at your feet, and not at the sky, but instead of a magic mirror - bother with lcd – matrices.)

And whatever our time - to collect stones or throw - in line with eternal traditions, it acquires significance and works for its eternity.

The Moscow Festival of Timeless Art was formed as another facet of modern reality thanks to the community of artists who continue to work outside the narrowly defined framework of the momentary.

The exhibition space of the festival will be masterful authors.

The festival will be held in May - from the 18th to the 22nd.
See you at the festival!