Loneliness: alienation in modern life

Exhibition November 9, 2018 − May 5, 2019
Lonely, single, detached. Alienation, isolation, dissociation.
Since ancient times, theologians and philosophers have used these words to describe the separation of the individual from the environment, community, self and God.

During the 19th and 20th centuries, however, alienation became regarded as a condition of modernity.

A complex set of factors contributed to this anxious sense of separation. The Industrial Revolution led thousands of workers from farming communities to smoky urban centers, where they took their places as human gears on factory machinery. Scientific revelations have challenged long-held religious beliefs and spawned new skepticism.

Referring to the Greek name "psyche", the soul was divided into parts and analyzed. The First and Second World Wars brought the world death and destruction, leaving many survivors with physical and psychological trauma for life.

ThisExhibition The prints and drawings of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Paul Klee, Marie Lorenzin, Henri Matisse, Juan Miro, Otto Dix and other authors demonstrate the influence of these modern forces.