Between the classics and constructivism

Exhibition April 19 − July 14, 2019
The State Scientific-Research Museum of Architecture named after AV Shchusev presents an exhibition project“Alexander Gegello: between classics and constructivism”.

The exhibition contains about a hundred works of original graphics, revealing the amazing artistic talent of Alexander Ivanovich Gegello, who was seriously interested in drawing, engraving, painting and used various techniques to effectively present their ideas.

Talent, practicality and professionalism along with the ability to quickly respond to the demands of the era allowed Hegello to carry out more than a hundred projects, from classical to avant-garde, mainly in Leningrad. In the late 1930s, when neoclassical tendencies in architecture began to dominate, Gegello did not become a stylist, but continued a deep inner work in rethinking the classical heritage.

Based on the official website Museum of Architecture. A.V. Schuseva.