ARTPLAY Design Center, Android Johns, together with FULLDOME.PRO and 360Art Studio present an immersive exhibition project
The exhibition displays more than 70 works by the artist, one of the brightest representatives of contemporary art.
"Digital Alchemist" and "digital era painter" - so critics nicknamed Android Jones. The world of the author can be called surreal, fantasy, fabulous, but most importantly - you just need to see it. Android Jones has managed not only to draw, but also to animate his world.
His works Andrew draws with brushes and with the help of special programs, with the help of painting and modern technology, immersing the viewers into another reality. The artist's technique can be called digital painting, which actually equalizes in the perception of the public works written with usual brush and paints and created with the help of graphic editors. The exhibition is complemented by costumed shows, electronic music concerts and works by Russian artists.