Museum V.A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time presents an exhibition of rare graphic sheets of the Italian master
Giacomo Quarenghi from the private collection of Sergei Choban - a famous Russian-German architect, laureate of the European Prize for Architecture, founder of the Museum of Architectural Drawing in Berlin.
The exhibition presents graphics and paintings, architectural projects, landscapes and portraits, demonstrating the tremendous skill of the draftsman.
In the center of attention - the Russian period of creativity of the Italian architect, which lasted almost forty years.
Giacomo Quarenghi first arrived in St. Petersburg in 1780 at the personal invitation of Catherine II under a short contract. In Russia, Quarenghi found his creative homeland, becoming one of the main conductors of Palladianism in Russia - a style that eventually began to be perceived as national.
Prepared by materials
official site of the Museum of Tropinin.