Fernando Botero. "Dad fat"

Exhibition May 5 − August 27, 2017
In the Rome exhibition the complex of Vittoriano is exhibition iconic Colombian artist and sculptor Fernando Botero. The exhibition is timed to the 85th anniversary of the artist it presents 50 works spanning fifty years of his work from 1958 to 2016.

Colombian artist, master of painting grotesquely traditionalist direction, close to the "naive art". His colorful canvases are kitsch and folk flavor coexist with the Italian Renaissance and colonial Baroque. Many critics in the attempt to classify the creative work of the artist referred to his figurativism, however, the audience and admirers of the artist has long defined his original style as botulism.

“Once I realized that I was interested in working with volumes. First it was at the level of ideas: I want to work with rounded shapes, create them. What's the awareness of the importance of volume in the piece of art? My work is a mix. A kind of cocktail, looking at which the viewer can not go wrong, immediately recognizes my handwriting. No doubt remains: this is a Botero!” had told about his work himself, Fernando Botero.

Learn more about the artist you can learn of our publications.