Museum of Russian lubok and naive art (MRLINI) in the premises of the museum and exhibition complex "Dacha" presents an exhibition
"About our smaller brothers and not only ...".
The exhibition presents paintings by two artists - Anna Trube and Maria Trubetskoy, united by the theme of the love of life, color, creativity, a kind of fabulous and real living beings.
Anna Trubé, in her creative work, is moving towards expressive solutions, radical and courageous work with color, which causes her transition to various new materials. Quickly drying bright, contrasting colors make the artist work in an intense rhythm, instantly grasp the composition and scatter color accents. Anna moves away from the brevity and local work with accents, characteristic of her first experiences, to a free and passionate manner of expressive design. The thirst for experiment leads the artist to mixed volumetric techniques with elements of assemblage. Maria Trubetskaya in her work prefers working with details, minimalism and compositional savings, working in favor of color and plastic expressiveness. In the latest works of Mary appear nuanced pastel colors, previously not so characteristic of her.
Based on the official website
Museum of Russian lubok and naive art (MRLINI).