
Exhibition 16 − August 30, 2019
Kiev Spivakovska ART: EGO gallery presents a collective exhibition of young Ukrainian artists "Identification". The exposition includes works performed in various techniques, the original style of performance and conceptual compliance with a given topic. This project raises issues of the formation of cultural and social identity of a person in difficult realities.

Identification of a person is a reaction of his psyche, in which he associates himself with another individual or group of persons. Translated from the Latin language, the term “identification” means “identification”. Its psychological meaning is to expand the range of experiences, to enrich internal experience.

The following authors take part in the exhibition: Julia Smal (Kiev), Yaroslav Kostko (Lviv), Dmitry Zazimko (Kiev), Ekaterina Neidorf (Kiev), Elizaveta Khilko (Kiev), Valeria Radchenko (Kiev), Yaroslav Valiev (Kiev), Anna Musienko (Kiev), Anastasia Merezhko (Kiev), Victoria Gibalenko and Yuri Sukhanov (Kiev), Anfisa Kass (Kiev), Ekaterina Kovalskaya (Kiev).