Irkutsk Regional Art Museum in the halls of the Gallery of Siberian Art holds an exhibition
“Valery Moshkin. Between Two Worlds.
Viewers are presented about 200 works of one of the most extraordinary artists of Irkutsk, among which the best works of the artist: from classical realistic works to metaphysical and surrealistic images.
Most of the exposition consists of graphic sheets from the 1990–2000s, the heyday of Valery Moshkin’s creative activity. Particular attention is paid to the artist’s paintings. Art lovers for the first time had the opportunity to see how multifaceted is the artistic language of the author. The exhibition includes works from the collection of the Irkutsk Art Museum, the Irkutsk Museum of Local Lore, as well as from private collections.
Based on the official website
Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukacheva.