In memory of Cocteau

Exhibition 2 − September 10, 2019
The exhibition hall of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Creative Experimental Workshop of Marianna Kornilova are invited to the exhibition“In memory of Cocteau”.

The exposition includes the author’s frame-by-frame cycle based on the film “Orpheus” by Anastasia Guseva, Anna Basova’s deep artistic photo-based motifs based on the film “Poet’s Blood”, Vlad Orlov’s photo illustration for the poem “Evening” by Cocteau, and a graphic photo compliment from Alexandra Sokolinskaya.

The exhibition is dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the great poet. The presented photographs, created based on the films, plays, poems, and graphic images of Cocteau, are also due to the fact that the only genre of art that the Poet did not do was photography, which later became very indebted to the creative legacy “herald of new art”

Based on the official websiteRussian Academy of Arts.