Female characters - from the Biedermeier period to early modernism

Exhibition July 7 − September 18, 2017
The Leopold Museum in Viennapresents the exhibition "images of Women - from Biedermeier to the early modernism."

The exposition is conditionally divided into two parts, in each of which a plurality of works of the period 1830-1930 years. The first part is women on the canvases. This portrait of work that demonstrates the majority of "traditional" images – mothers, wives, keepers of the family hearth. The important factor here is that for centuries women were usually shown under the prism of the male gaze – this is seen especially clearly in the visualization of Nude models, when the lines between nudity and eroticism become quite blurred.

Works showing women not in the family, not as "the fair sex", and active in society, much less. In the exposition they are represented mainly by a wide range of images of artists, Actresses and singers.

The second part of the exhibition is the works written by women. Visitors will be able to thoroughly examine the creations of such artists and graphics, such as Tina Blau-lang, Marie Egner and Olga, Wisinger-Florian, Bronze Koller-Pinell, Emma Boman, Keith Kelvic.

The exhibition, designed to tell about the contribution of women to the art of the XIX-XX centuries, will last from July 7 until September 18.