Earth and the people of China

Exhibition October 26 − November 8, 2019
In the Museum and Exhibition Center "Petersburg Artist" is an exhibition of the academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, people's artist of the Russian Federation Valery Alexandrovich Lednev"Earth and the people of the Middle Kingdom".

The exhibition presents about 70 paintings by the painter - the plot paintings “Rest on the Road”, “Greetings from Dunhuang”, “Weighing Tea”, the triptych “Waiting for the Bride”, rural and mountain landscapes, portraits of artists, cultural and political figures, residents of rural regions and Of course, beautiful Chinese beauties.

“Of the many paintings painted in China, I brought only a small part to Petersburg and show it at the exhibition“ Earth and People of the Celestial Empire, ”the artist writes in the preface to the exhibition catalog. - Each time, the nature, culture and people of China opening up before me fascinated: the sea, mountains, amazing cities, villages, and their interesting, hardworking inhabitants - peasants who are especially close to me in their peasant spirit, often living in difficult mountain conditions, but able to maintain their a distinctive national culture in everyday life, in clothes, in a home, delighting with its cheerfulness and optimism. ”

Based on site materialsPAX.

Galleries at the exhibition