Bashkir State Art Museum. M.V. Nesterova presents the exhibition
“In memory of Nikolai Alexandrovich Kalinushkin (1948–2004)”.
In addition to the works of one of the most talented sculptors of Russia N.A. Kalinushkin, who made up the main visual series, the exhibition presents the works of other famous Bashkir sculptors - Firdant Nuriakhmetov, Vladimir Lobanov, Rustem Khasanov - and the painter Ivan Fartukov.
The exhibition is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the sculptor. His works are stored in the Bashkir State Art Museum. M.V. Nesterov (Ufa), Ryazan Regional Art Museum. I.P. Pozhalostina, Kurgan Regional Museum of Art, Tyumen Regional Museum of Fine Arts, the Danteco Foundation Gallery (Verona, Italy), in private collections in Russia and abroad (Germany, Slovakia, USA, France).
Based on site materials
Bashkir State Art Museum. M.V. Nesterova.