Mariusz Kotly Index

Exhibition 13 − November 29, 2019
An exhibition of graphic art by two famous artists from Poland, “BESTIARY” by Professor Agnieszka Cieslinski and “Big Bang. Genesis ”by Professor Krzysztof Tomalsky. The project is exhibited as part of the VIII graphic contest "Mariusz Kotly Index»Under the patronage of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland.

In the cycle "BESTIARY", the artist uses the palimpsest strategy, which contrasts elements from different cultural circles and distant eras. The author’s alleged beasts become allegories of ideological phantasmagorias that haunt a 21st-century man.

In Big Bang. Genesis »author uses classic graphic techniques. His work concerns the opposite poles of human sensitivity and consciousness. The master is looking for a middle ground, absolute truth, the foundation of essence, which is permeated with metaphor, polysemy in myths, religions and philosophy.