Mystery act like a terrorist act

Exhibition December 4, 2019
4th chest about 19:00 at Khlebzavodi, at the address Kirilivska 65b, Oleksandr Sushinsky read a lecture: "The mystery is a terrorist act." Entrance vilny.

I have a story about a sacristan to understand "mystery" and "culture." At rozumіnnі mystetsva zadіyuєtsya phrase
A. Rimbaud: “sings the one who has signified the world of the unseen age”. In our words, we will
Tsіkaviy toy artist і t і artistic practice, such as expanding between the tail, do new
go to virobnosti ustini (in the context of A. Badiu, ale not tilki) - a sensitive virobnosti ustini.
Zazvichai, such practices, to put oneself in opposition to the sphere of culture, as the culture is:
protocols for increasing the strength of the adhesive, synthetic adhesives and aesthetics for cement, soak
social field vid boshevіllya. Why do I have to practice the art of seasoning for life and in what I can
prostate teleology mystery sjogodnі? And the smut, chi sens zdіysnyuvati "terrorist
act "for expanding between nevidomy?

These, plan to negotiate:
Cultural Industry і / a virobnitstvo іstini (T. Adorno і V. Benjaminіn)
Ornament (mas) ’zlochin (A. Loos Z. Krakauer)
Can you practice passive mystery practices (serial, theater, dance)?
The principle of complacency and the principle of malting (in the context of J. Lacan and M. Fischer)
Mystetsvo as a terrorist act (K.Kh.Stockhausen-911 and inshi lie-guards I will calm down)
The mystery of the law and the mystery of the spectacle
Total (not) rozumіnnya to the author’s creation of a third-party sub'єktom
Vіdkladene maybutnі і mіsіya without mіsіі yak criteri meti in the present mystery (J. Derida)

Oleksandr Sushinsky, Donetsk-Chernivtsi,

curator of mystical projects, theoretician of mysticism, lecturer of the course “Mystetsvo of the 20th century”, curator of festivals of experimental, frejazy music MUZA HYST. Stayed for an hour to specialize in prior psychoanalysis, spec. Realism and hybrid, fake structures in an ordinary mystery.
Galleries at the exhibition