Art in Russian style. From the collection of the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg

Exhibition October 7 − December 15, 2019
An exhibition is held at the Central Museum of Tauris“Art in the Russian style. From the collection of the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg ».

The exhibition features more than 150 exhibits from the museum's collection, which allow us to trace the history of the emergence and development of the Russian style in Russian culture in different areas of its manifestation from the late XVIII to the 80s. XX century: sculpture and arts and crafts, porcelain and glass products, household items and interior.

The Russian style in Russian culture is associated with an appeal to the identity of the country, to its history, folk spirit and creativity. The fashion for the Russian style began to emerge in the reign of Empress Catherine II, and the peak of its development falls on the era of Emperor Alexander III.

Based on site materialsCentral Museum of Tauris.

Galleries at the exhibition