Starring theater

Exhibition December 5, 2019 − January 5, 2020
Vyatka Art Museum. V. M. and A. M. Vasnetsovs presents the exhibition"Theater in the title role".

The exposition of the exhibition includes both works from the funds of the Vyatka Art Museum (paintings, graphics, sketches, posters), and exhibits presented at the exhibition by the Kirov theaters.

The exposition reveals the features of work on the theatrical image of world-famous artists and famous Russian artists of the XX-XXI centuries. Of particular interest are the sketches of A.N. Benoit to the tragedy "Stone Guest" and M.A. Vrubel to the opera Faust. The scenery created by them amazes with a wealth of imagination and coloristic integrity. A special role in the history of theatrical art was played by avant-garde art of the 1910s. An example of theatrical avant-garde experiments is the sketch of A.A. Exter for the play "Romeo and Juliet" for the Chamber Theater. While working on the play, along with the scenery, much attention is paid to the costume. The exposition presents sketches of costumes for the plays "Imaginary Sick" A.N. Benoit and the "Siege of Leiden" E.I. Charushina. Theatrical images created by actors of local theaters can be seen in the works of M.A. Demidova, P.S. Vershigorova and I.A. Shirokova.

Based on site materialsVyatka Art Museum. V.M. and A.M. Vasnetsovs.