Dmitry Tsvetkov | Workstudio 213

Exhibition 11 − March 18, 2016
Dmitry Tsvetkov about his exhibition: "All the artworks seen here were made in Kotor, where I worked for four months. I did not set myself the specific aim of making artworks – it was just the landscape seen from the window and the creative atmosphere of my studio – and so this show was born. Watercolour on large sheets of paper made directly on the wall of my studio, one after another. I also sewed a map of Montenegro out of taffeta and beads of it it resembles a large, warm blanket and pillows, it's big – 300x350cm, made from expensive and beautiful materials with embroidery on. My concept was that one could wrap up in warm, cosy Montenegro, Montenegro or hide underneath. My Montenegro is a place for relaxing, making art and daydreaming.
Galleries at the exhibition