In Lviv, the Gary Bowman Gallery presents a personal exhibition of Galina Zhegulskaya. The exposition includes geometric meditative ornamental compositions. These are multi-colored “matrices” - an example of the synthesis of the international cipher of ornament and formal searches of Op-Art. Classics of Op Art claimed that their works prompt the viewer to actively participate in creativity, because the eye generates a form, transforming the "matter" of painting into the "energy" of the visible image.
Galina Zhigulskaya was born in 1957 in Yaroslavl. Participates in republican, union and international exhibitions. He works in the field of graphics without special art education. Lives and works in Lviv. It owes its professional development to such Lviv legends as Alexander Aksinin, Demyanov (Valery Demyanishin), as well as the Estonian schedule Tinnis Vintu.