Exhibition 14 − August 28, 2016
"How much does your memory error? Follow the link to check the prices."
— ... from a wedding photographer's website-
For many of us the wedding is the most important day in our life. We want to make this day unforgettable. We collect money, take out loans and carefully organize this event. We believe that the more we invest in the wedding industry, the happier the family will be.
When the day comes, everything is shining. The bride is in white with superlative make-up, beautiful as never before and as she never will be in the future. And the groom is in black, well shaved and elegantly brushed – can you imagine this gentleman laying down on the sofa, drinking beer in front of TV and wearing holey socks?
Very soon the photographer shows up, he's the hero of the hour. Never mind what he looks like. He is the God, everybody getting frozen in dramatic poses. He pulls the bridal veil, creating romantic breeze. He moves the crowd of guests from one boring location to the next one. But we forgive him everything because he takes care of our memories: will the bride and the groom remember the celebration the next day?
We have a crazy party mixing champagne with vodka.
And thankful guests do their best, welcoming courses of food one after the other - we saved money for a good reason, didn't we?
... We don't have time any time to relax while games and dances are waiting for us!
Then the toast–master takes over the baton from the photographer. And we see the witness pealing a banana wedged between the groom's legs while the bride is dancing the can can on the table. Then for sure we cannot avoid the traditional fight and someone's face in the salad.
So it is an average Russian wedding. And what about the Italian one? It seems slightly different: I discussed with my bride-to-be and we finally decided to get married'here, in Finland, between Russia and Italy.
Galleries at the exhibition