At the Mikola Regional Art Museum named after V.V. Vereshchagin, from the 13th of June 2020, the fate of the festival is personalized by Lyudmili Savkovo’s show “Appreciate the beauty of life!”
The exposition of the exhibition will present 66 paintings by artists, as well as those from different technology and genres with a length of 2015-2019 rock. The whole landscape, the still life, the most beautiful abstract paintings, the way in which harmony is harmonious and emotional.
Lyudmyla Savkova - Ukrainian artist, professional journalist and gromadsky dyachka, member of the National Journal of Ukrainian Journalism. It was born 12 fierce 1965 rooku on Vіnnichchinі. Started in Mykola Secondary School No. 7. She graduated from the Kyiv National University of Economics named after Taras Shevchenko for special journalism. Since 1982, rock pratsuvala was tricked by bagatokh Ukrainian views. Maє the great professional dosvіd. In 2003, there was an internship in the editorial office of Tallahassee Democrat newspaper in other magazines in the state of Florida and the United States of America. She became a Vipusnitsa program “Gromadsky Zvyazki”, as if financed by the US Department of State. In 2010, the Rotsі Bula was awarded the Gold Medal of Ukrainian Journalism. Since 2010, at present, the Vicon Director of the Mikola Pres-Club GO and the live talk show on huge ambushes.
Creative hat of the painter rooted in 2015. It began to spontaneously become an old-fashioned painting, due to the fact that it lay down to the artists-autodidacts. A bag of paintings on the side of Mikola Mikola. Creative dorobok for 4 rocky warehouseє ponad 70 olіynih paintings. In 2016, a Russian artist took part in the beneficent auction of paintings “Pobachiti svit”, while painting for sale of “Chervoni kviti” boulevards was handed over to the aid of a child's ophthalmologic clinic. In 2019, Rotsi’s painting by Lyudmila Savkovo “Cosmos” took part in the great national art project, which was one of media, technology and mystery, for one of the largest art projects in the Burning Man festival in the US empty state of Nevada - a panorama. Vіdeo with a picture transluvlessly on the pyramid.
Lyudmila Savkova pratsyu at the galuzі olіynogo painting, ним a beautiful colorist. The artist is maisterno vikoristovє rіznі technology: іmpasto, alla-prima, method of forestry. Empresionism, abstract expressionism, contemporary expressionism, intuitive painting - all of these will be reprinted in creative works of Russia. Robot artists don’t have an obscuration, even absolute freedom and painting for Lyudmila. Yak meant the artist: “Painting is my addiction. Internal protest to the lousy one who wants to be guarded by the people: ill, terror, violence, horror, evil, evil. Then, once again, show me that wonderful beauty of life, like yakobyazanі zabereti! ”
The artist is a personal site, on which the majority of the paintings are presented.